Thursday, March 22, 2012

Protect Youth From Online Harassment, ( home remodeling ) How to Boost Your Reputation and Build an Audience Online, ( home remodeling ) The Truth About E-readers, 10 Ways to Stay Safe While Shopping Online & Youth on the Web: Reason? Who Needs a Reason.

It's no secret ( home remodeling ) that children and teenagers are spending a tremendous amount of time online. ( home remodeling ) Popular digital communities include social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter and virtual worlds and gaming sites such as Club Penguin and Second Life. ( home remodeling )

 ( home remodeling )According to one poll, more than half of youths log on to some type of social media site at least once a day.  ( home remodeling )Roughly one in four logs on to such sites at least 10 times a day.

 ( home remodeling )Although digital communities enable youths to socialize with peers and develop multimedia skills, these online forums also have risks. A common one is cyberbullying - ( home remodeling )- a form of bullying that takes place entirely online in cyberspace. ( home remodeling ) Another is sexting ( home remodeling ), a term that combines the words sex and texting and refers to the exchange of sexually explicit digital messages and images. Fortunately there are ways for parents to help their children avoid these new types of harm. ( home remodeling )

CYBERBULLYING ( home remodeling )

Youths who engage in cyberbullying use cell phones, ( home remodeling ) computers, and other digital devices to attack peers. ( home remodeling ) The methods are as varied as the technology. Cyberbullies  ( home remodeling )may use text messaging and blogs t ( home remodeling )o spread rumors or share embarrassing information about peers. In "text wars,"  ( home remodeling )a group of youths sends hundreds or thousands of messages to victims -- who then incur large cell phone bills (unless they're lucky enough to have plans with unlimited text messaging). Other cyberbullies ( home remodeling ) post insulting or sexually explicit comments on victims' Facebook ( home remodeling ) pages. Still others set up online polls (often accompanied by pictures) ( home remodeling ) asking others to vote on the ugliest or fattest teen in a school. ( home remodeling )

One survey found that 43 percent of teenagers said they'd been cyberbullied ( home remodeling ) in the previous year. This form of bullying is more common among girls than boys, and most prevalent at ages 15 and 16. Although some teens shrug off such attacks, others become angry, hurt, embarrassed, or scared. ( home remodeling )

SEXTING ( home remodeling )

One national  ( home remodeling )survey found that 20 percent of American ( home remodeling ) teenagers have sent or posted nude or seminude digital images of themselves to peers, while 39 percent of teenagers have sent sexually suggestive text messages, e-mails, or instant messages to others. Most of these teens sent sexually suggestive content to their girlfriends or boyfriends, intending to be flirtatious or funny. But sexting  ( home remodeling )can prove embarrassing once a relationship ends, because digital images live on forever. ( home remodeling ) Sexting also exposes teens to legal action. ( home remodeling )

For example, a  ( home remodeling )14-year-old girl posted about 30 nude pictures of herself on her own social networking site. ( home remodeling ) Prosecutors initially charged her with distributing child pornography, but then dropped the charges when she agreed to undergo counseling. ( home remodeling )

In another case ( home remodeling ), police charged a 17-year-old ( home remodeling ) boy with possession of child pornography and sexual exploitation of a child after he posted nude pictures of his 16-year-old girlfriend on his social networking site. The teen posted the pictures after becoming angry at his girlfriend. ( home remodeling )

KEEPING KIDS SAFE ( home remodeling )

There's ( home remodeling ) nothing new about teens'  ( home remodeling )developmental struggles with aggressive and sexual behavior,  ( home remodeling )but technology appears to have had an amplifying effect. ( home remodeling ) The optimistic view is that reasonable standards and limits for online communities  ( home remodeling )will evolve. In the meantime, parents can employ time-tested common-sense strategies to protect their children: ( home remodeling )

Communicate ( home remodeling )

Encourage youths to talk about their digital experiences and ask about what networking sites they are visiting - ( home remodeling )- and whether they've encountered any problems online.  ( home remodeling )Although teenagers may demand more online privacy than younger children, they may welcome the opportunity to discuss concerns with parents. ( home remodeling )

Educate ( home remodeling )
 ( home remodeling )
Young people may not understand the long-term consequences of posting something online or sending digital images to someone else. ( home remodeling ) It's important to help them understand that a digital "footprint" lives on forever. ( home remodeling )

Brainstorm ( home remodeling )

Identify multiple ways to deal with cyberbullying and sexting,  ( home remodeling )so that a young person can find the most comfortable way to deal with online problems.  ( home remodeling )Here are some common strategies:

1.  ( home remodeling )Don't send e-mails or post information online while angry. ( home remodeling )

2.  ( home remodeling )Refuse to pass on insulting messages or suggestive images. ( home remodeling )

3.  ( home remodeling )Log off a chat room whenever the conversation turns nasty. ( home remodeling )

4.  ( home remodeling )Block a bully electronically, using the options provided by various online communities. ( home remodeling )

5.  ( home remodeling )Seek an adult's help when necessary. ( home remodeling )

6.  ( home remodeling )Set an example.  ( home remodeling )It's not just kids who engage in cyberbullying or sexting.  ( home remodeling )Although they usually won't admit it, youths look to parents and other adults for cues about how to behave in the world - ( home remodeling )- and online. Set the right tone online, and your child will notice and be inclined to follow.  ( home remodeling )- Harvard Mental Health Letter ( home remodeling )

RESOURCES ( home remodeling )

 ( home remodeling )Family Online Safety Institute: ( home remodeling )

 ( home remodeling )Stop Cyberbullying: ( home remodeling )

 ( home remodeling )Stop Bullying: ( home remodeling )

Ever since Eve told Adam,  ( home remodeling )"This apple's  ( home remodeling )amazing! You've got to try it!"  ( home remodeling )word-of-mouth has been the best form of marketing. And yet, until the advent of social media, word-of-mouth marketing on a large scale hasn't existed. In the age of Facebook ( home remodeling ), Twitter and Web 2.0 ( home remodeling ), it's a whole different story. ( home remodeling )

Social media offers the most powerful way to connect with others, ( home remodeling ) allowing you to network with thousands of people (literally!) ( home remodeling ) from the comfort of your own home. Through harnessing the power of word-of-mouth marketing, social media can transform your business, product, service and passion to the next level. ( home remodeling )

Dave Kerpen ( home remodeling ) is the co-founder of Likeable Media and an expert at using social media to grow business and successfully redefine brands for large companies.  ( home remodeling )In my recent interview with Dave, he discusses his New York Times Best-Seller, "Likeable Social Media ( home remodeling ): How to Delight Your Customers, ( home remodeling ) Create an Irresistible Brand, and Be Generally Amazing on Facebook ( home remodeling ) (and Other Social Networks) ( home remodeling )." Whether you're new to social media or just starting your business, Dave shows how you can successfully transform your brand, build your reputation and increase your audience. ( home remodeling )

Are your Twitter ( home remodeling ) followers dwindling? ( home remodeling ) Are you searching for an audience who will "Like" your brand? ( home remodeling ) To help you get started, read an excerpt from our conversation below. Then, be sure and listen to the full Dave Kerpen ( home remodeling ) interview at ( home remodeling ) to learn how social media can help take your business to the next level. ( home remodeling )

Robert: ( home remodeling ) So, I'm the author of a book ( home remodeling ), or I've invented something, or I've started a nonprofit for a cause I really care about.  ( home remodeling )What should my first step be moving forward, if I've only dabbled in social media? Maybe I've got a Twitter account or a Facebook ( home remodeling ) page, but I haven't really done anything with it. What's the first thing I should start doing? ( home remodeling )

Dave:  ( home remodeling )The very first thing I would start doing is actively listening, which doesn't necessarily involve your ears in social media, but it does involve searching and doing research. ( home remodeling ) Look at keywords. You know, if you're an author, you need to look at keywords that people who read your book might be talking about, right? ( home remodeling ) So, if I wrote a book about social media, I might look for the keywords  ( home remodeling )"book on social media. ( home remodeling )" It's really that simple, and just look for people who say, "Hey! Anyone know a good book about social media?" Or, if I have a nonprofit that I want to grow (and obviously that nonprofit is tied to your cause), I look and listen on Twitter, on Facebook ( home remodeling ), on LinkedIn ( home remodeling ), for people talking about that cause. On Googl ( home remodeling )e, you'll find articles written about something,  ( home remodeling )but on social networks, you'll find real people talking about any and every topic of choice. And it's not necessarily about searching for your name. If you're a smaller brand or up-and-coming personality, you're not going to find lots of people talking about your name, but you're certainly going to find people talking about things that are relevant to what it is that you do. ( home remodeling )

Robert: Right ( home remodeling ). So, you've got your Facebook ( home remodeling ) page. You're on Twitter. You're searching, listening and reading what people are talking about. At what point do you sort of throw your hat in the ring and actually start communicating with them? ( home remodeling )

Dave ( home remodeling ): I think as soon as you feel like you understand what they want and need, you can start giving it to them. I'm listening to you. I understand you well. If I'm at a cocktail party, once I know that somebody needs an accountant, you know, if I'm a bad sales person, I'm going to say,  ( home remodeling )"Hey! I'm an accountant. You should call me ( home remodeling ). Here's my business card." That's not going to work, right? What's going to work is, "I know a great accountant," or, "I know a great resource for finding a great accountant." So, similarly, once you're ready to start a conversation in social media, ( home remodeling ) it's about figuring out what value you can provide to the people that you are connected with, and to the people that you are following, and to the people that are following you. So, for instance, with our social media agency, we have almost 18,000 ( home remodeling ) fans on Facebook ( home remodeling ) already. We've probably updated that page once a day for two years. So, let's say we've had about 750 ( home remodeling ) updates or so. Very, very few of them (and I can count on one hand how many) ( home remodeling ) have been self-promotional. The rest are truly delivering value to people, sharing articles, tips, resources and recommendations to the point where, no kidding, two separate people have walked up to me at conferences and said, "Dave, I just want to thank you for all the amazing content that you share and all the value that you deliver on Facebook ( home remodeling ). I've actually gotten so much great content that I've used it to start my own social media agency." ( home remodeling )

 ( home remodeling )Like with any sleek, new technology, the allure of an e-reader is undeniable. ( home remodeling )

 ( home remodeling )Simply put, the gadget changes history: It brings reading into the digital era, revolutionizing how we interact with books and magazines. ( home remodeling )

Is change always necessary, though?  ( home remodeling )For an avid reader like me, at first it was hard to swallow. "Read on-screen for hours?" I wondered in dismay, recalling the flickering PC screen of my youth. (home remodeling ) "I'd rather poke my eyes out." But as e-readers began to pop up everywhere, I came to see their beauty: great resolution, slim size, ultra-portability. Minimalism in reading: brilliant. ( home remodeling )

Soon, my best friend gave me the Barnes  ( home remodeling )& Noble Nook for my birthday, and my enthusiasm turned into zeal. Within my first month, I finished two  ( home remodeling )e-books. By month two, I had dug into all the classics I'd ever wanted to read. As I downloaded the 800-page Illiad at month three ( home remodeling ), I was sure that soon I'd be through that too, and that by month four, I'd practically be a scholar of antiquity. ( home remodeling )

 ( home remodeling )Here's what really happened after that: By month four, I was still struggling to get through the first part of the epic, and six months in, I barely remembered what I'd read. And by year's end, I was on a sabbatical from reading altogether. ( home remodeling )

So what went so horribly wrong here? ( home remodeling ) Why did the beautiful e-reader turn out to be, well, just a blip in my own history of reading? ( home remodeling ) I blame these four alluring myths marketers sell you about e-readers:

Myth No. 1: You'll read more. ( home remodeling )

Reality: You won't. ( home remodeling )

Sure, ( home remodeling ) you'll download plenty of e-books with just a few clicks. And you'll start reading them too. But once you realize that each book feels just like the next (same size, font, color, digital notes, etc.), you'll also realize that half the fun of reading is how unique the experience of each book is supposed to be. ( home remodeling ) With e-books, you lose that personal touch. ( home remodeling )

Myth No. 2: If you love book-browsing, you'll love doing it from your couch. ( home remodeling )

Reality: You won't. ( home remodeling )

Like with the ( home remodeling ) Web, you'll often surf the e-reader bookstore, reading sample pages before you buy. The convenience is unquestionable. That is until you realize that the experience of pulling books from real shelves in the quiet sanctuary of a bookstore and then flipping through real pages is irreplaceable. ( home remodeling )

Myth No. 3: ( home remodeling ) You can read five books at the same time! ( home remodeling )

Reality:  ( home remodeling )You sure can, but you probably won't finish any of them. ( home remodeling )

There's something to be said about the ability to download all the books you've ever wanted in an instant - ( home remodeling )- and the urgency you'll feel to read them at once too. But as soon as the novelty of multitasking wears off, what's left is a bunch of fragmented stories and a whole lot of pages. And that is a surefire way to turn reading into drudgery. ( home remodeling )

Myth No. 4: You'll save money. ( home remodeling )

Reality:  ( home remodeling )With $10 a pop for most books, that's doubtful. ( home remodeling )

E-books aren't cheap.  ( home remodeling )And if you are used to getting books at thrift stores or through book lending, think twice before buying an e-reader. ( home remodeling )

In the age of tech hype, ( home remodeling ) it's easy to fall in love with every new gadget. But can technology ever replace the beauty of reading the way our ancestors meant for us to do? ( home remodeling )

With more shoppers than ever turning to mobile devices and computers for holiday shopping, many are inadvertently leaving themselves vulnerable to online fraud and scams. Here are 10 ways to avoid becoming a victim this holiday season: ( home remodeling )

Stay away from fishy-looking sites. ( home remodeling )

You can't always tell when a website isn't legitimate, but red flags include poor design, a strange or nonsensical web address, and multiple pop- ( home remodeling )up windows that you can't close. If you notice any of these suspicious signs, stop shopping and close your browser windows. ( home remodeling )

Avoid clicking on hyperlinks embedded in emails. ( home remodeling )

The Better Business Bureau warns that legitimate businesses don't send emails asking for follow ( home remodeling )-up financial information. If an email, even one that claims ( home remodeling ) to be from a familiar retailer, asks you to visit an outside site, don't do it - ( home remodeling )- it could be redirecting you to a scam site. Instead of clicking on a hyperlink, type in the web address that you want to visit into your browser. (home remodeling )

This year, BBB warns consumers about emails coming from the  ( home remodeling )"National Automated Clearing House Association" that ask recipients to click on a link or open an attachment. In reality, the email is from scammers, not NACHA ( home remodeling ), which does not send emails regarding individual transactions. Clicking on the link or opening the attachment can result in stolen bank information. ( home remodeling )

Shop on secure websites only - ( home remodeling )- including on smartphones. ( home remodeling )

Adam Levin, founder of  ( home remodeling ) and Identity Theft 911,  ( home remodeling )suggests looking for "https" instead of just "http" in the address bar. ( home remodeling ) Also, make sure your computer's anti-virus software is up to date, he says, since you can come across some unwanted viruses when surfing online for deals and good buys. ( home remodeling )

In addition,  ( home remodeling )be wary when shopping from mobile devices, since they often lack anti-virus software. Security firm ( home remodeling ) BitDefender ( home remodeling ) reports that shopping with mobile devices -- as 6 in 10 shoppers plan to do - ( home remodeling )- can come with a new set of security challenges, since shortened URLs can more easily trick shoppers into visiting harmful sites. Also, public Wi-Fi ( home remodeling ) access is convenient, but it can also leave your personal information accessible to hackers. Avoid entering passwords and credit card numbers while in public hotspots. ( home remodeling )

Never, ever give your Social Security number to anyone online. ( home remodeling )

If a site asks for it during the checkout process, it's probably a scam site, says Levin. ( home remodeling )

Take advantage of the automatic identity theft protection that comes with many credit cards. ( home remodeling )

That's one reason to use your credit card instead of debit card or cash for holiday shopping.  ( home remodeling )If you see erroneous charges on your statement, call your credit card company, which should investigate on your behalf. ( home remodeling )

The Better Business Bureau points out that credit card companies are required to allow shoppers to dispute charges, and many companies cover charges made on stolen cards.  ( home remodeling )Don't forget to check your credit card statements frequently (don't just wait until you get your monthly bill) ( home remodeling ) because many card companies have time limits on when customers can dispute charges. ( home remodeling )

Change up your passwords. ( home remodeling )

Consumers are asked to remember dozens of passwords for various retailers, ( home remodeling ) banks, and accounts, and it's almost impossible to remember them all - ( home remodeling )- especially since they often include mixes of numbers and letters. Either keep careful track of your passwords in a secure document, rely on mnemonic devices to boost your memory, or come up with some other clever strategy. But don't stick with simple passwords that are easy for strangers to guess. ( home remodeling )

Review your rights. ( home remodeling )

The Better Business Bureau reminds shoppers that if products aren't shipping on time, consumers have the right to cancel the order and get a refund.  ( home remodeling )They can also reject merchandise they deem defective or misrepresented. ( home remodeling )

Avoid strangers on social media. ( home remodeling )

This rule is especially important around the holidays, when many retailers use social media to drum up business. Fraudsters also send malicious messages through social networks.  ( home remodeling )BitDefender recommends treating messages from strangers as spam - ( home remodeling )- just ignore them. ( home remodeling )

Don't click on fake holiday e-cards. ( home remodeling )

Festive e-greetings are ubiquitous this time of year, but security firm AppRiver ( home remodeling ) says fake cards can spread viruses. ( home remodeling ) At the risk of being Scrooge, the firm recommends that consumers just delete cards that come from unknown addresses. ( home remodeling )

Review your statements after the holidays. ( home remodeling )

Unfamiliar  ( home remodeling )charges on credit card and bank statements are often the first sign of identity theft. If you find an unauthorized charge on your statement, contact your bank or credit card company immediately. Your bank might be able to provide other protective steps as well, such as issuing a new card. ( home remodeling )

Wait long enough, and a study will be published confirming you were right. ( home remodeling )

So it was this past week when a Pew Research Center project revealed that on any given day, more than half of Americans aged 18 to 29 ( home remodeling ) go on the Internet for "no particular reason." ( home remodeling )

Aha! ( home remodeling )

I knew it! ( home remodeling )

I have long since believed that going into cyberspace is a mission young people take not to actually land on a planet, but to cruise around the stars until the ship runs out of gas. ( home remodeling ) The study shows that these young people have no purpose with the  ( home remodeling )Web other than "fun," ( home remodeling ) which is why a video of a two drunken Ukrainians can have a gazillion hits. ( home remodeling )

When you're not looking for anything special, the un-special will do just fine. ( home remodeling )

It reminds me of when we were kids, and we came into the house and immediately flipped on the television set. ( home remodeling )

"What are you watching?" ( home remodeling ) our parents asked. ( home remodeling )

"Nothing," we said. ( home remodeling )

"Then why do you have it on?" ( home remodeling )

We had no good answer then, as I suspect kids have no good answer today.  ( home remodeling )Their parents ask, "Why are you on that computer?" ( home remodeling )

And they say,  ( home remodeling )"Uh ... what?" ( home remodeling )

Now, it's true,  ( home remodeling )every generation has its diversions. In the recent Woody Allen movie "Midnight In Paris," ( home remodeling ) the main character thinks life in the 1920s is much more alluring than today, and he gets to go back to that time - ( home remodeling )- only to find a woman who thinks that life in the 1800s is much more alluring then the 1920s. ( home remodeling )

Same thing with diversions.  ( home remodeling )We wonder why our kids are on the computer for so long, our parents wondered why we were addicted to the TV set, their parents wondered why the radio always had to be on, and their parents wondered how the horse got disconnected from the buggy. ( home remodeling ) (OK, I made that last one up. My research doesn't go back that far.) ( home remodeling )

But there is special concern with this new online addiction.  ( home remodeling )No one was a predator on the radio. ( home remodeling ) No one stole your identity through the  ( home remodeling )TV. No one posted anonymous hate mail or vicious rumors through those mediums, nor were they used as a way of communicating with people in lieu of speaking face to face. ( home remodeling )

I am not in the 18-29  ( home remodeling )age group anymore. I barely remember it. But I see so many people of that age drawing all their opinions, news, entertainment and - ( home remodeling )- worst of all  ( home remodeling )-- social interaction through a computer screen, that I worry soon the whole world will roll out of bed, ( home remodeling ) plop down and reach for the mouse. ( home remodeling )

That is not how were meant to live. ( home remodeling )

An old teacher of mine once told me he couldn't watch much  ( home remodeling )TV because he found it "physically depressing." Not the programs ( home remodeling ). The act of sitting and staring at images. He said he felt worn out after a few TV hours,  ( macbook pro apple )even though he barely moved a muscle. ( home remodeling )

I know what he means. I feel that way after too many hours on the computer. It's a cross between wanting to fly away and not wanting to let go.  ( home remodeling )There's always one more thing to check. One more site to find. One more search to run. ( home remodeling )

It's this yin-yang that is behind the Pew survey, I believe, and I don't think it's getting better. More and more of our lives are online - ( home remodeling )- banking, shopping, problem-solving. ( home remodeling ) And of course, communicating. We're beginning to hear about people texting in their sleep. ( home remodeling )

It makes you wonder how we ever filled up our time before screens or speakers were invented.  ( home remodeling )You know what people did?  ( home remodeling )They talked. They visited.  ( home remodeling )They sat near fires or rocked on porches. They wrote letters.  ( home remodeling )They read quietly. They played with the kids and looked at the stars. ( home remodeling )

You know what we call that today? ( home remodeling )

A vacation. ( home remodeling ) 

Google ( home remodeling ) Unveils 'Find My Face' Recognition Tool,Google Chrome: ( home remodeling ) 3 Rare Features You'll Love, How to Use Google+ & The Role of Google+ in Business.

Mountian View, CA ( home remodeling )

Search engine and internet giant Google debuted ( home remodeling ) "Find My Face". ( home remodeling )

The new tool designed for its Google+ ( home remodeling ) users is Google's first step into the growing field of social facial recognition.

The "Find My Face" ( home remodeling ) tool exists as a tag for its Google+ ( home remodeling ) social network. ( home remodeling )

The tool scans users' ( home remodeling ) and their friends photos for recognizable faces, and then suggests nametags for the faces by matching them with users' profile photos and other tagged photos on Google's social network site Google+. ( home remodeling )

Google ( home remodeling ) has privacy as its main concern in the the new launch.

"Find My Face ( home remodeling )" is unlike Facebook ( home remodeling ) in that it prompts users to first opt into the service before atomically suggesting to their friend that they be tagged in photos. Google ( home remodeling ) also requires the subject of a suggested tag to approve it before it goes public. ( home remodeling )

Tagging is the digital ( home remodeling ) equivalent of writing names on the back of of photo. ( home remodeling )

When Google ( home remodeling ) launched its Google ( home remodeling ) Chrome browser, I was instantly smitten: ( home remodeling ) The address bar did double duty as a URL display and search box. It was a simple concept, ( home remodeling ) yet it was strong enough to convert me from Firefox. ( home remodeling )

Three years later, ( home remodeling ) Chrome offers thousands of extensions that allow users to custom-build their browser for better searching, storing and privacy settings. Shoppers can add extensions that store their most wanted goods ( home remodeling ) (Add to Amazon Wishlist); design freaks can opt for a sleek, ( home remodeling ) 3-D image display (Cooliris) ( home remodeling ); and jetsetters can translate websites into English with one click (Google Translate). ( home remodeling )

Here are a few other reasons why I love Google ( home remodeling ) Chrome: ( home remodeling )

1. ( home remodeling ) I kick personalized ads to the curb. ( home remodeling )

Personalized ads can feel a little too Orwellian, ( home remodeling ) especially when they're generated from your most personal emails and most private of Web searches ( home remodeling ) (er, uh, "best hemorrhoid cream?"). ( home remodeling ) Opt out by installing the "Keep My Opt-outs" ( home remodeling ) extension. This will prevent companies that are part of the Network Advertising Initiative from targeting ads to what you type. ( home remodeling )

2. ( home remodeling ) I stay under the radar. ( home remodeling )

To keep your browsing and downloads from being recorded in your history - ( home remodeling )- and to prevent cookies from being kept after you close a window - ( home remodeling )- switch to incognito mode. (home remodeling ) Once you're browsing in incognito mode,  ( home remodeling )Chrome won't store any information about the websites you've visited - ( home remodeling )- a must when working on a shared or public computer. ( home remodeling ) Want an extra layer of protection? Pause the Web history tracking stored in your Google ( home remodeling ) Account before you browse. ( home remodeling )

3.  ( home remodeling )I optimize my Web surfing. ( home remodeling )

 ( home remodeling )Check out the Extensions section of the Chrome  ( home remodeling )Web Store for free add-ons.  ( home remodeling )Whether you're a blogger ( home remodeling ), sports nut or photographer, you can find extensions by filtering them by categories on the left-hand side of the page.  ( home remodeling )After you install an extension, it will automatically update with new features. ( home remodeling )

Here are a few of my favorites: ( home remodeling )

Aviary Image Editor: ( home remodeling )

Lets you capture a screen-grab and edit a picture, ( home remodeling ) like a mini Photoshop, ( home remodeling ) without leaving the browser. ( home remodeling )

Shareaholic: ( home remodeling )

Love sharing Web finds with your friends? This extension allows you to share via Facebook, Twitter, Gmail and more by clicking on an icon in the toolbar. No need to navigate away from the page or to open another program. ( home remodeling )

TooMany Tabs for Chrome: ( home remodeling )

When you have 57 ( home remodeling ) tabs open in your browser and are starting to feel overwhelmed, ( home remodeling ) this extension will help you navigate and manage them all. ( home remodeling )

ChromeVis: ( home remodeling )

The Web can be impossible to navigate if you have poor vision.  ( home remodeling )This extension lets you magnify any selected text on a  ( home remodeling )Web page and customize the magnification box by changing print and background colors to best suit your needs. ( home remodeling )

When Google ( home remodeling ) launched its Facebook-rivaling ( home remodeling ) social network this summer, some balked about having to deal with yet another social network. But what many early adapters found is that Google+ ( home remodeling ) is cleaner and more efficient - ( home remodeling )- and best of all, not everyone you connect with has to be a "friend." ( home remodeling )

In Google's ( home remodeling ) attempt to fashion ( home remodeling ) its social network after the real world, Google+ ( home remodeling ) lets you make a contained circle for family, friends, work buddies, chess club friends and a secret society (if you belong to one) ( home remodeling ). In the same amount of time you'd spend posting on Facebook ( home remodeling ), you can pick which circle sees your various posts - ( home remodeling )- which is kind of perfect if you don't want work buddies to know about your family dramas, right? ( home remodeling )

While the newest social network is just a few months old - ( home remodeling )- and at least a few months away from mainstream adoption - ( home remodeling )- the potential for Google+ ( home remodeling ) to deliver relevant information is too attractive to pass up. Here's how to get started: ( home remodeling )

1. ( home remodeling ) Create your searchable profile. ( home remodeling )

Apps, Docs and social networks aside, Google is first and foremost a search engine. As Google+ grows, so does the relevance of its profiles in search results.

Try Googling ( home remodeling ) yourself. Unless your name is John Doe ( home remodeling ), your Google ( home remodeling ) profile will be one of the first results to come up. ( home remodeling ) This is prime real estate on the Web - ( home remodeling )- and happily, you are in control of how it's shaped. Building out your Google profile authenticates your Web presence and allows you to better own your online image. ( home remodeling )

To log into Google+ ( home remodeling ), sign in with your gmail address (yes, you'll need to get one if you don't already have one) and click on Google+ ( home remodeling ) on the top tab of your account. In Google+ (home remodeling ), click the "Profile" ( home remodeling ) button on the top navigation bar, and add job history, education, bragging rights, etc. ( home remodeling ), in the "About" ( home remodeling ) section. Make sure you link to your websites, videos and pictures to promote your projects, accomplishments and affiliations. Embed links in text to share other content-rich places where people can find you on the Web (like an Amazon author page, ( home remodeling ) SoundCloud music page or high school teacher website). ( home remodeling )

2.  ( home remodeling )Organize your personal circles ( home remodeling )

Whether you consider it a blessing or a curse, Google ( home remodeling ) makes you organize your contacts into circles before you can do much else. ( home remodeling ) Google claims that Google+ ( home remodeling ) users are three times more likely to share ( home remodeling ) within certain circles than share publicly. ( home remodeling ) That means hovering parents are more likely to share with other parents, and foodies with other foodies, theoretically cutting down the amount of useless posts you see in your stream. This targeted content is an outright blessing for those of us who have grown sick of the "my kid's latest accomplishment" ( home remodeling ) or "today's lunch choice" posts that taint our Facebook ( home remodeling ) walls. ( home remodeling )

To help you organize your circles, Google gathers all your email contacts and allows you to click and drag people into the circle of your choice. "Friends" and "Family" circles are no-brainers, but what about the members of your soccer team? Create a "Ball Kickers" circle just for them. If you follow public figures or people in your field online, place them in your "Following" circle.

3. ( home remodeling ) Structure some circles for business ( home remodeling )

Creating certain circles around your work is a great way to send targeted information to different types of people you work with.  ( home remodeling )A real estate agent might create circles for past and current clients, as well as circles of people by neighborhood. ( home remodeling ) The agent can then send clients who bought or are looking to buy in a particular neighborhood some information about a new juice bar set to open,  ( home remodeling )neighborhood alliance meetings or featured properties all within the same 25 blocks, for example. ( home remodeling )

Want to gather information for your business? ( home remodeling ) Get more information about people who circled you by posing a question to the group.  ( home remodeling )A "Do you read my advice column?" ( home remodeling ) query, for example, ( home remodeling ) gives you an idea of how many followers are fans of your work.  ( home remodeling )You can also directly message people who follow you as a way of crowdsourcing ideas for your next project.

4. ( home remodeling ) Set up easy video-conferencing meetings ( home remodeling )

With a few clicks on Google+ ( home remodeling ), you can set up group video conferencing with any of your established circles.  ( home remodeling )Aside from chatting with buddies across the globe, starting a Hangout is a great way to conduct quick-and-dirty ( home remodeling ) virtual meetings with your mom group, ( home remodeling ) co-workers or extended family when planning the next reunion.

To start a Hangout,  ( home remodeling )click one of your established circles on the right of your stream, then click the green "Hangout" ( home remodeling ) button on the left side of your stream. Pick up to 10 people to participate. ( home remodeling ) No third party chat or virtual meeting software is needed. ( home remodeling ) The camera's focus will move with whoever has the floor, keeping the talker front-and-center in the biggest box on the screen. ( home remodeling ) Once you've started a hangout group, you can also watch a YouTube ( home remodeling ) video together and type notes for one another in the chat field. ( home remodeling )

5. ( home remodeling ) Fine-tune your feeds ( home remodeling )

After you type a post to your stream, ( home remodeling ) you can choose which of the circles to send the content to. ( home remodeling ) You can share your particular post with a few of your custom circles, to extended circles (which not only posts to your circles, but your friends' circles as well) - ( home remodeling )- or to public, which is open viewing for the whole Web. ( home remodeling )

You can also create Sparks, ( home remodeling ) which are like Google ( home remodeling ) Alerts for your favorite things. ( home remodeling )When you set up Sparks of your biggest interests, you receive a curated feed of things happening around the  ( home remodeling )Web based on those interests. ( home remodeling ) From the home screen, click Sparks on the left-hand column. ( home remodeling ) Type in any interest, from "gastropubs" to "gluten-free diet" ( home remodeling ) to "Glee," ( home remodeling ) and then click "Add Interest." ( home remodeling ) A feed of the latest of your favorite things on the Web will be ready for you to view via smartphone or computer when waiting in line at the bank or for a flight at the airport. ( home remodeling )

Google+  ( home remodeling )also allows users to turn multiple conversations into one streamlined group chat (in Huddle) and automatically upload pictures and video from your Android Smartphone (Instant Upload) to your Google+ account to share with whichever circles you choose later on. Take the Google+ Tour for more on these features and check What's New in Google+ for the latest tricks and practices. ( home remodeling )

If anyone could go after the Facebook jugular - ( home remodeling )- and its three quarters of a billion users - ( home remodeling )- it's Google. The online search giant took aim at Facebook ( home remodeling ) when it launched Google+, a social network that combines old services (Google Profiles, Google Buzz, etc.) with new. But is Google+ strictly for consumers, or can its applications benefit businesses too? ( home remodeling )

Google+: ( home remodeling ) Best Features for Business ( home remodeling )

Amber MacArthur ( home remodeling ), a social media strategist and author of Power Friending ( home remodeling ): Demystifying Social Media to Grow Your Business, says Google+ ( home remodeling ) isn't a Facebook ( home remodeling ) clone, though at first glance they do appear similar. ( home remodeling ) Once you get to know the social network, you'll likely see it as a hybrid: "It has the advantage of long-form posting like Facebook ( home remodeling ) (but better) and the immediacy of a real-time ( home remodeling ) stream like Twitter, ( home remodeling )" says Doug Lacombe, president of the communicatto ( home remodeling ) social media agency in Calgary. ( home remodeling )

Other unique Google+  ( home remodeling )features that can benefit your business include the following: ( home remodeling )

Photos ( home remodeling )

Forget the regular online photo albums you're used to; Google+ ( home remodeling ) arranges your photos into a beautiful one-page layout.  ( home remodeling )"The search engine giant has created a platform that has a better in-line photo viewing experience, as images are larger and the overall design of the page is cleaner, ( home remodeling )" says Lacombe. ( home remodeling )

Circles. ( home remodeling )

An easy way to share content with friends or colleagues ( home remodeling ), without being forced to share the same things with everyone. ( home remodeling ) "Your work circle gets different content and conversation than your family circle, and so on ( home remodeling )," says Lacombe. ( home remodeling )

Hangouts ( home remodeling )

A feature that lets you video chat or watch videos together with others. ( home remodeling )

Sparks ( home remodeling )

A feed of everything you're following. ( home remodeling )

Huddles ( home remodeling )

 ( home remodeling )An instant messaging feature for Android and iPhone users. ( home remodeling )

Better integration ( home remodeling )

If you use Google products regularly, ( home remodeling ) Google+ is a natural extension to your Internet experience, says MacArthur:  ( home remodeling )"The network sits neatly within your Google account." ( home remodeling )

How can you use all these features to maximize your business? ( home remodeling ) Get one person from your company to represent your business and manage the social network account. (Google+ ( home remodeling ) is set to launch its business pages later this year.) ( home remodeling ) "The same principles for building a community exist on Google+ ( home remodeling ) that exist on Facebook - ( home remodeling )- it's important to be authentic, post regularly and engage with everyone," says MacArthur. "It's like going to the gym: If you don't stick to a regular schedule, you're not going to see the results you want."

Google+ ( home remodeling ): Security Concerns ( home remodeling )

Facebook ( home remodeling ) is no stranger to privacy concerns. Google ( home remodeling ) too has come under fire over Gmail  ( home remodeling )hacks and revealing too much info on Google ( home remodeling ) Maps with Street View. So can Google+ ( home remodeling ) be trusted? ( home remodeling )

"Yes  ( home remodeling )and no,"  ( home remodeling )says Lacombe. "In the sense that Google ( home remodeling ) successfully and securely runs millions of accounts on Gmail ( home remodeling ) and Google Apps, I think G+ accounts are as secure as any other online service. The weakest link is usually careless users with weak passwords,  ( home remodeling )or those who leave their devices open and accessible to thieves." ( home remodeling )

But Lacombe also reminds us that anything posted online can be copied, pasted and shared, so you need to manage information security by being judicious in your posting. ( home remodeling ) "No service can protect you thoroughly ( home remodeling )," he concludes. ( home remodeling )

Google+ ( home remodeling ): Its Future in Business ( home remodeling )

Like Facebook, ( home remodeling ) Google+  ( home remodeling )will become an increasingly important social media destination for ( home remodeling ) brands and small businesses, predicts MacArthur ( home remodeling ). "We've seen over the past couple of months how quickly this new social network has grown, so with millions of users, it's only natural that companies will want to build a presence on Google+ ( home remodeling ) in order to reach customers and clients." ( home remodeling )