Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Mountains, forests and a lake for entertainment in Austria( macbook pro apple )! & Forest Creatures

Before we came to live here, my husband, who was born in Austria ( macbook pro apple ), always liked to tell us about the enjoyable holidays he used to spend with his family in the Packerstausee when he was a kid (macbook pro apple ). He used to go swimming on the lake, for walks in the mountains macbook pro apple ) and he also used to collect berries in the forests macbook pro apple ), which were later turned into delicious jams. So it was not surprising that one of the first places we visited when our family moved to Austria ( macbook pro apple ) was precisely the “Pack” lake ( macbook pro apple )! We stayed in a typical guesthouse at the entrance to the lake for a few days, and it was the owner who told us there was a piece of land for sale nearby and he gave us the name and contact number of the owner ( macbook pro apple ).We eventually bought that piece of land and soon had a typical Styrian wooden blockhouse facing the Pack lake! ( macbook pro apple ) (Up, up & away we must go!) The lake macbook pro apple ) is only about 45 minutes from the city of Graz macbook pro apple ) where we live and we soon were to find that the place had many attractions depending on the seasons.

Summer macbook pro apple )

This is the best season in the Pack, as it is at 800 mts, so it is a few degrees cooler than Graz and the air is also better, as there is no fine dust pollution there macbook pro apple ). One can go swimming on the lake (macbook pro apple ), spend a relaxing time on a boat, or go fishing, as the lake is always well stocked with trout macbook pro apple ). There are several cafeterias around the lake macbook pro apple ), where it is possible to have ice creams, coffee, beer or soft drinks and where one can also have boats for rent.
There are also a few guesthouses serving typical Austrian macbook pro apple ) food all year round, including sweets like apple strudel and different types of cakes, like apricotplum or one of the various berriesthat grow in the area. Summer is also the time when one can stay in one of the caravan parks at the end of the lake and many tourists like to stay there.
In the summer months it is also possible to purchase strawberries and blueberries from a farmer macbook pro apple ), or to pick them yourself from the side of the road or the forest macbook pro apple ).macbook pro apple
If one is feeling energetic, one can also follow one of the numbered walking trails, for which one can buy maps, or walk around the lake, where one will go past farms and forests macbook pro apple ).
If one goes fishing but does not catch any fish, one can always go to a guest house and order trout there, or buy some from farmers who grows them!macbook pro apple

Autumn macbook pro apple )

Probably one of the favourite seasons, as it is then that people collect various types ofmushrooms from the forests macbook pro apple ), including popular ones, like HerrenpilzSteinpilz and the egg yolk coloured Eierschwammel. This is also the time when Sturm macbook pro apple ) (early wine) is available and it is customary to visit a buschenschank, which is the name given to places where wine-growers serve their early wine and also offer a limited selection of food, like country bread, spreads, sausages and cheeses. It is also traditional to sell roasted chestnuts to accompany the Sturm macbook pro apple ).
The Packerstausee is very close to the Styrian Weinstrasse, which is the wine growing area, and it is also known as the Styrian Toscana macbook pro apple ).
Late Autumn is also the time when one can eat game, like venison and there are many guesthouses that specialize in preparing those dishes.macbook pro apple

Winter macbook pro apple )

Probably one of the most favorite seasons for young and old. There are a few skiing areas nearby, like SalzstiegelHirscheggHoiswirtModriach-Winkel and HebalmSkating and ice hockey are also popular once the Pack lake freezes. It was almost traumatic for me when I first saw a mother pushing her baby in a pram on the lake macbook pro apple ), and I still don’t feel comfortable, even when I know the ice is about half a metre thick!
In addition to alpine skiing macbook pro apple ), snowboarding macbook pro apple ) is also a great popular with the young, although older people usually prefer langlauf or cross-country skiing instead. Tobogganing macbook pro apple ) is also much fun for the whole family and people can even try it at night time!macbook pro apple
Especially after a long and cold Winter it is always nice to enjoy the longer and warmerSpring days and it is in the countryside that this is more noticeable. People also start thinking about the coming summer months, so most start growing flowers to decorate their balconies, which will reach their peak in a just a few months.macbook pro apple

Christmas time macbook pro apple )

Especially if it turns out to be a white one, Christmas can be a most beautiful time in the Packerstausee, as children have holidays until after January 6th! It is also traditional for them to go out and choose their own tree to have it cut. Groups of children usually come around at this time too, collecting money for the church, bringing myrrh and singing Christmas carols. Guesthouses will have probably baked a selection of typical Christmas biscuits too, which they will gladly share with their guests as they wish them a Frohe Weihnachten macbook pro apple )!

Easter macbook pro apple )

The frozen lake will have probably started to melt by this time and it is customary to give people colored hard boiled or chocolate eggs at this time. Hard boiled eggs are also hidden away, so that children can have fun finding them, even though sometimes they will only turn up in the summer if they were well hidden!macbook pro apple
A Diamond on the Bluff: Paul Wolff / Burnidge Forest macbook pro apple ) Preserve of Kane County, Illinois

A Diamond on the Bluff macbook pro apple )

 Nestled in an Illinois prairie on the Western edge of the population center for the City of Elgin, Illinois is a diamond on the bluff.  Elgin is sometimes called “Bluff City” as it is situated along the Fox River.  Illinois is known for its rich farmland and tranquil prairies.  The diamond is the Paul Wolff / Burnidge Forest macbook pro apple ) Preserve of Kane County, Illinois. macbook pro apple

This hidden gem on the outskirts of the Chicago megalopolis offers a wide array of amenities for family, friends, adventurers, and land lovers.  Covering approximately 580 acres, the forest macbook pro apple ) preserve features the Paul Wolff Campground, two small stocked fishing ponds, trails galore, picnic accommodations, restroom facilities, and a small climbing rock for children to grapple with.  Ample parking throughout with service roads leads to various sites within the forest macbook pro apple ) preserves.

Campground Facilities macbook pro apple )

 Modern campgrounds await thee.  The Paul Wolff campground features 89 improved camp spaces for campers and recreational vehicles.  These sites have 50 amp electrical service, access to water and a fire ring.  There are also ten, what are called “primitive campsites” for traditional tent camping.  One of the fabulous aspects of the campground are the five equestrian campsites.  Fully plumbed bathrooms are also available for campers in addition to the salt of the earth outhouses available at various locations around the forest macbook pro apple ) preserve.  Arghh, no rum or other adult beverages are permitted in the forest macbook pro apple ) preserve.

Three Types of Trails macbook pro apple )

The beautiful rolling prairies and wooded areas feature three different types of trails. In all, the forest preserve has approximately nine miles of trails.  This great preserve is a magnificent area for an uplifting hike, a terrific training run, a strenuous bike ride, and a fabulous pleasure ride via horseback.macbook pro apple
Wooded trails macbook pro apple ) are great for hill training and cross-country training.
Prairie Trails are cut wide 14 feet wide in most places for horses. The soft prairie surface provides an excellent opportunity for fartlek training. macbook pro apple They create excellent conditions for a long slow distance run as well macbook pro apple ).
Bridle Trails are perfect for horses. macbook pro apple The 2.25 mile “multi-purpose” trail is superbly designed for hiking, cross-training by bike, and speed training.macbook pro apple

The Diamond on the Bluff macbook pro apple )

Enjoy what solemn nature has to offer at the Paul Wolff / Burnidge Forest macbook pro apple ) Preserve of Kane County has to offer.  Bring your best-loved dog or horse to stretch out their legs in natural macbook pro apple ) surroundings.  Breathe deep and luxuriate in captivating woodlands and prairies. Train hard. Run well. Live life.

Sasquatch, Bigfoot, the Yeti: macbook pro apple They Do Not Exist And Here Are Reasons Why ( macbook pro apple )

A number of people around the world claim to have seen Bigfoot ( macbook pro apple ), Sasquatch, the Yeti, etc. Perhaps such a creature existed long, long ago but these creatures do not exist now nor have they recently.A dead body of a Sasquatch has not been found. This powerful lack of evidence strongly suggests Bigfoot ( macbook pro apple ) does not exist. Certainly one would have been hit by a car and severely injured or killed by now right? Many thousands of deer have been hit and killed by cars but to date not one Bigfoot ( macbook pro apple ).
People say Sasquatches ( macbook pro apple ) bury or eat their dead and that is why a body or bones have not been found. Ok.
Why are all or most all of the sightings a solitary adult? Why aren't there more sightings of multiple Sasquatches ( macbook pro apple ) together? Why aren't there sightings of adolescent or juvenile Bigfoots ( macbook pro apple )?
There are deer, turkey, duck and other types of hunters all over America and the World ( macbook pro apple ). Many expert deer hunters sit in a tree stand for hours at a time and are well camouflaged. You would think at least one Bigfoot ( macbook pro apple ) would have been severely injured or killed by a rifle or compound bow over the years...but none have. Many rifles have powerful scopes and a number of hunters are crack shots. So, why haven't any Sasquatches ( macbook pro apple ) been shot and brought down? The answer is easy---Sasquatch ( macbook pro apple ) doesn't exist.
Farm dog ( macbook pro apple ) will occasionally carry part of a groundhog or some other critter into their master's yard. A hand or a foot ( macbook pro apple ) of a Sasquatch ( macbook pro apple ) has yet to be dragged into a yard by a pet dog. This is because Sasquatch ( macbook pro apple ) doesn't exist.
Most people are honest and thus tend to think those around them are honest too. This is a common misconception amongst honest people. There are liars and people who tell tall tales all around. These dishonest people can tell fantastic stories with a straight face and may eventually come to believe it themselves. Many people have been deceived by liars and tellers of tall tales ( macbook pro apple ).Many people fall victim to Sasquatch ( macbook pro apple ) pranksters. It would really not be difficult for a creative person to make and strap on some Bigfoot ( macbook pro apple ) shoes and walk around somewhere. Others would then find the prints, or be led to them by the prankster, and think a Bigfoot ( macbook pro apple ) has been around. Before you know it it would be in the newspapers and on tv.
Many of the so called sightings are no doubt people dressed up in a Bigfoot ( macbook pro apple ) costume. These pranksters, for example, may go near a camping destination. The person in the outfit will then run across a clearing about half a mile away knowing someone will see them. They realize someone may take a picture or catch them on video.Can you imagine how much fun this must be to the prankster and his helpers? The pranksters get a bit liquored up ahead of time and then after the stunt must laugh and laugh. I'm middle aged now but something like this would have been great fun when I was younger. I never did anything like this though. This kind of prank is also dangerous because someone with a scope could shoot you with a rifle.
Another scenario-macbook pro apple--there may be a group of professors from several universities who are researching Bigfoot ( macbook pro apple ). They decide to go out to a remote area in hopes of obtaining evidence. Of course word gets around what the professors are doing. A prankster college student or two will then approach the area at night and make a few weird sounds or throw some rocks at the campsite and presto....the professors come back with strange and fantastic stories...it must have been Bigfoot ( macbook pro apple ).
Other people just misinterpret what they have seen. They have likely seen a bear or some other dark looking object or shadow and in their mind think they have seen a Bigfoot ( macbook pro apple ). There could also be some type of optical illusion at play. macbook pro appleA small percentage of sightings can no doubt be attributed to those who are mentally ill--who suffer from delusions or hallucinations. No doubt there have also been a few drug induced sightings.

How to catch bigfoot ( macbook pro apple ) on video

Is bigfoot real?macbook pro apple

 Is there really a North American ape that walks on two legs? I think if you checked out the video in the link above, the answer is quite obvious. There is absolutely no denying the validity of the content of that video. If you haven't checked it out yet, stop reading for a moment and take a look. It is quite shocking, maybe a little scary, and undeniable evidence.macbook pro apple

How to catch bigfoot ( macbook pro apple ) on video

1. First thing you need to look for is a wooded area. Bigfoot ( macbook pro apple ) tends to hide in the woods, although occasionally he has been known to jump out from behind the trees to scare away or attack intruders.2. Food and water sources are essential. In the area where the video was taken, there is an over abundance of deer, a staple of the sasquatch ( macbook pro apple ) diet. There are also rivers and lakes nearby.
3. Look for very large footprints ( macbook pro apple ) in the dirt and smelly hair left near trees where they may have been sratching ( macbook pro apple ). Look for medium to large trees shaking in the woods ( macbook pro apple ). When they scratch their backs on the trees ( macbook pro apple ) even a tall tree ( macbook pro apple ) can be seen shaking violently. Somtimes they just grab ahold of a tree ( macbook pro apple ) trunk and shake it violently to knock nuts or squirels out of the tree for an easy meal.
4, If you clicked on this hub looking for a real sasquatch ( London Jobs )... please don't get too upset when you find out this was just for FUN

Bigfoot ( macbook pro apple ),Yeti ( macbook pro apple ), Orang Pendek ( macbook pro apple ), Alma ( macbook pro apple ).

Wildmen around the world.

Bigfoot ( macbook pro apple ), Sasquash ( macbook pro apple ), Yeti ( macbook pro apple ), Yowie ( macbook pro apple ), Alma ( macbook pro apple ), Sehites ( macbook pro apple ), Skunk apes ( macbook pro apple ), Orang Pendek ( macbook pro apple ), the Woodwose ( macbook pro apple ) of medieval Europe it doesn’t matter which name they go by, almost every civilisation on Earth has a wild man myth. Descriptions of these Various creatures are remarkably similar - large, ape like, bipedal, hairy, secretive. Many eyewitnesses also mention a strong smell, in the case of the Skunk ape of the southern states of America very strong (macbook pro apple ) - hence it’s name! It seems almost impossible that so many different groups of humans, who are not in contact with each other, should come up with such similar myths if they don’t have a basis in fact. In the case of Bigfoot ( macbook pro apple )/Sasquash ( macbook pro apple ) there does appear to be an ever growing body of evidence for the existence of a large unknown primate living in the vast wilderness of the Pacific Northwest of America ( macbook pro apple ) and Canada ( macbook pro apple ). Even allowing for the many hoaxes, the huge number of sightings, casts, recordings etc are becoming increasingly hard to ignore.

Bigfoot ( macbook pro apple ), the evidence seems to be mounting.

The world famous Patterson video above, filmed in October 1967 has long been held as one of the best ever pieces of evidence for bigfoot ( macbook pro apple ). Watch and judge for yourself. Anyone who has ever visited the area these creatures ( macbook pro apple ) are said to roam will know just how easy it would be to hide an entire tribe of Bigfoot in them. They are vast and largely uninhabited. In fact, faced with such impossibly huge tracts of wilderness it seems easier to believe that it does contain unknown animals than not. Speaking of hoaxes, it is, maybe, believable that a person or persons would go to the trouble of faking something like a Sasquash ( macbook pro apple ) footprint ( macbook pro apple ) and planting it beside a forest ( macbook pro apple ) trail. But would anyone do the same thing if they needed to climb half way up Mount Everest (macbook pro apple ) or Annapurna ( macbook pro apple ) first?

Ancient woodcarving of the Woodowse ( macbook pro apple ).

Medieval man seems to have been just as obsessed with wild men as we are today. Almost every church from that period in time seems to contain depictions of the Woodwose ( macbook pro apple ) in stone or wood. It has been suggested that the various wild men from across Europe could be Relict Neanderthals and that could well be true, recent evidence suggest that the Neanderthal did indeed hang on in small isolated areas much later than was previously thought and may even have interbred with recent humans. Unlike Bigfoot ( macbook pro apple ) or the Yeti ( macbook pro apple ) there doesn't appear to be any recent sightings of the Woodwose (macbook pro apple ), which in my mind would tend to suggest that if the Woodwose ( macbook pro apple ) was indeed a relict Neanderthal then the species might now finally be extinct. Something that lends a little more weight to this theory is the recent discovery that the sub species Homo Florescence’s survived until relatively recent times before, perhaps, becoming extinct some twelve thousand years ago. Although, some people believe they might still exist somewhere in the unexplored tropical rainforest ( macbook pro apple ) of Indonesia.
Perhaps Woodwose ( macbook pro apple ) were simply hermits, men who had chosen to remove themselves from society to live a frugal life in the forest ( macbook pro apple ). Unkempt and wearing animal fur maybe the odd sighting can be explained away in this manner but not all. There has even been the suggestion that wild men were people suffering from the dreadful condition Hypertrichosis. People with this condition grow hair over the entire body including the face and can indeed look remarkably like the descriptions of Bigfoot ( macbook pro apple ) etc. In fact, many believe it was people such as these that gave rise to the myth of the were wolf (macbook pro apple ). But it is an extremely rare condition and seems unlikely to be responsible for the many sightings worldwide. And in the world of today why would a person with Hypertrichosis need to hide themselves away in a forest ( macbook pro apple ) at all?

Race memory?

Another possible theory is that the wild man myths and stories are a kind of race memory. Something imprinted on humans at the genetic level, a memory of a time when modern humans shared the planet with other, less advanced, hominoids. Although, there is little scientific evidence to support this theory. If this were the case then why aren’t there more myths about giant cave bears ( macbook pro apple ), mammoths ( macbook pro apple), aurochs ( macbook pro apple ) etc all of which we also shared the planet with until recent times?
Maybe, when all is said and done we as a species need to believe in something. Maybe, in a world where so many of us have lost control and feel that science has taken over and that the world is really only a tiny rock spinning in space, we need something like Bigfoot ( macbook pro apple ) or the Yeti ( macbook pro apple ). We need to be able to say - see, the world isn’t really all that small and there are still things out there that can shock the heck out of people.
Only this week, on June 25th 2010 it was announced that a new tribe of hunter gatherers has been discovered living in the forests ( macbook pro apple ) of Papua New Guinea. These people live a nomadic, stone age existence, much as our ancestors and the many species of humans such as Neanderthals did thousands of years ago. Maybe the discovery of a tribe of Bigfoot ( macbook pro apple ) or Yeti ( macbook pro apple ) is just around the corner.

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